- A C&C cine film was discussed internally time and time again, but nothing to this date was ever concretized.
- Joseph Kucan's obsession for Pauly Shore also continues in 2014 as seen again in an interview from 12/05/2014:
Если бы во времена разработки самой первой Command & Conquer бюджет позволил вам взять на роль Кейна любого голливудского актера, кого бы ты выбрал?
Поли Шора (Pauley Shore, американский комик — прим. интервьюера). Без вопросов и сомнений: Поли Шор. - The Kucan brothers had even tried to attain the film rights themselves according to their AMA on 07/31/2014:
Daniel: AND I should add that Joe and I tried to option movie rights to the C&C franchise but they wouldn't let us do it. Apparently it would have ruined their plans on letting it die slowly and painfully.
- Over the years Joseph Kucan had consistently cited Pauly Shore. In an interview from 01/14/2010 regarding C&C4 he mentioned him yet again:
*laughs* That's exactly right. My contract demands were such that it was bankrupting the company, so they've decided to move him off to the side, and hire Pauly Shore or somebody to come in and play Kane for the future.
Pauly Shore? Really?
*laughs* Yeah, actually. They made him an offer. He turned them down. Not enough money. And he wouldn't shave his head.
You can't have Kane without the shaved head though, surely?
Well, now that he's got the long blonde hair and the bosom, I think that that's maybe a direction they want to go.
*laughs* You think Pauly Shore could pull that off?
He's a fine actor. A fine, fine actor. *laughs* We're in the UK. Do you know who Pauly Shore is?
*laughs* Yes.
Okay, good. Then it's funny! 'Coz if you didn't know, then it wouldn't have been. *laughs* - During the CommandCOM at a Q&A Event it was also asked for a cine film. Joseph Kucan responded:
Q: Why don’t you make a C&C Movie with the film industry, you got the knowledge for that?!
A: Joe: I can’t really imagine what the story of a C&C movie should be like. You all make your own story in the games... so what would the movie story be like? Kill that bold guy over there? (Audience is laughing out loud) - Kane actor Joseph Kucan on 03/28/2008 in a Kane's Wrath interview to this topic: If there was ever a Command & Conquer movie, would you want to play Kane?
JK: Are you kidding, I'd love to play the role. Well, let me take the standard Hollywood reply here, I'd have to see the script first, to make sure it's high enough quality. No, are you kidding me, I'd love to do it. There hasn't really been talk of a Command & Conquer movie since the very first Command & Conquer game, but to tell you the truth it would surprise me no end to find out such a thing is going forward. With that said, I'd be honoured and flattered to be involved in that project. Any current Hollywood celebs who you'd like to see play the role of Kane?
JK: Yeah, well, I think Tom Hanks has shown an interest, and Pauly Shore is a big favourite of mine - I liked him a lot. And now that Dane Cook (Good Luck Chuck) is doing some great acting work, I'd love to see him get involved. You know, quality actors (laughs). In so many ways I feel such a personal attachment to the character that when you ask that question it's very much like "Who would you like to see play you?" and that's a tough question. - In an interview from 2001 Joe Kucan was already asked for a cine film. Even back then he already mentioned Pauly Shore:
Would you ever consider directing a full-blown C&C movie? Has it ever been discussed inside the green walls which is Westwood Studios'?
Joe Kucan: That is no longer an option. The film rights to the entire Command & Conquer franchise have been owned outright by Pauly Shore since late last year. If he wants me to direct, he knows where to find me. - There was once a petition at resulting in more than 1700 signatures collected.