Version 4 My logo



There are so many versions of all the CS:S Betas, so this instruction relates to V2 only since many are having problems with this build ("Not logged in"). Regarding all other versions check out the forum.

Counter-Strike: Source Beta V2

Note: You need a Steam account and the installed Steam client!

  1. Download CS:S Beta V2
  2. Unzip "cssource_notcracked_beta_emporio.rar" (e.g. into C:\Program Files\CSS)
  3. Unzip "cssource_cracked_emporio" into the same directory. Overwrite: Yes!
  4. Open the "SteamApp.cfg" with Notepad and write this:
    # [as is clearified later on, this should be your email address:]
    SteamAppUser=[Dein Nick in Steam und natürlich ohne diese eckigen Klammern!]
    Adjust the path if applicable!
  5. Delete the "ClientRegistry.blob" inside the CS:S directory
  6. Copy the "ClientRegistry.blob" from your Steam directory into the CS:S folder
  7. Create a shortcut to the "hl2.exe" and write the following parameter in the field "Target" of the shortcut's properties: -steam -game cstrike
  8. Start the Steam client and log in.
  9. Exit Steam but do not log out!
  10. Launch the edited "hl2.exe" shortcut and there you go!

Error FAQ for V2

Should you still encounter error messages despite this instruction here is a FAQ (correct # placement provided):

Should even this FAQ not help you, have a look at!