C&C3 – Tiberian Twilight | |
Year: | Cancelled 2003 |
Developer: | Westwood Studios |
Publisher: | Electronic Arts |
Code name: | Incursion |
Original title: | C&C3 – Tiberian Twilight |
Abbreviation: | TT |
Executive Producer: | Louis Castle |
Composer: | Frank Klepacki |
Newest version: | C&C3 WWv2 |
About 2050, decades after Firestorm: A meteorite impacts downtown of Las Vegas. But it is more than that: The Scrin swarm out of the blue-glimmering crater and the final battle for the Tiberium starts. GDI fights against the extraterrestrial force to save planet Earth and so a simple reconnaissance mission turns out as the first contact.
Yuri, an acolyte of Kane's (Nod was experimenting with psionics in the WWv2 C&C3) is sucked into a chrono-vortex that is created by a Chronosphere that GDI inadvertently activates (along with some other RA-era tech) while attempting to retrieve the only other existing suit of powered "screaming eagle" commando armor (the first was melted on re-entry from orbit when the Philadelphia was destroyed) from the sealed tech vaults at Area 51.
- TT had practically nothing in common with the later TW, Joe Bostic remembered on 03/01/2013:
The painted course of events regarding the studio closedown was also confirmed by Mike Legg on 04/26/2019:Westwood got about half way through development of C&C3 before the studio consolidation that shut down Westwood. It was just at the "green light" phase -- where production really begins and the game details and story get fleshed out. At the point of Westwood closure, development on C&C3 essentially stopped. When it was finally restarted at EA's LA studio, it retained pretty much nothing from the original plan. I'm a bit fuzzy on the original story details as I was working more on the tech side of C&C3 at the time, but even so, at that stage it would have only been in rough outline form.
We had just finished pre-production on Command & Conquer 3, had the project green-lit, and were about to get started. We got notification that 3 EA studios were going to be consolidated and relocated to other locations. Most of the C&C3 team was going to be moving to EALA in Playa Vista, California.
- At the time TT was cancelled, only around 8 to 9 people were working in the game. One of them was Eric Gooch and he told on 11/14/2011 how it happened:
But even before the shutdown of Westwood a cancelation of the project went under discussion, he added on 10/13/2018:Towards the end, it seemed like EA was convinced that “Earth and Beyond” was going to be the Next Big Thing, and so other teams shrunk and got pushed to the back burner, as more people were added to the E&B team. I was one of only about 8 or 9 people working on what would have been C&C 3, when the end arrived.
Well, we were in the process of working on the next C&C game right before everything fell apart in the Vegas studio. It was looking pretty cool. A more realistic look to the graphics, updated engine, aliens. My memory is fuzzy, but I recall that some bigwigs were considering cancelling it, but changed their minds when they came out and saw it. It was looking cool.
- TT was set as the conclusion of the Tiberium trilogy without a fourth part. TT would also have had another ending than C&C4, Louis Castle explained during an interview from 08/15/2010:
He confirmed this again during another interview from 01/17/2011:How might you have envisioned it differently?
LC: I don’t want to speculate. We had our own ideas in the very beginning that Brett, Joe [Bostic] and Eydie had come up with. It was supposed to be Dawn, Sun and Twilight, it was a three-part series. So it ended up becoming four, because they really didn’t conclude it in three. I don’t think it was exactly the way we had imagined the universe ending. They did a job of wrapping it up with their own story, but it was different from the way we would have done it.
And he mentioned the trilogy conception again in a talk on 02/26/2019:Minibar: Was the end in Tiberian Twilight planned long ago? Maybe since Tiberian Sun or Tiberium Wars?
Lou: Tiberian Twilight as a concept was part of the original thinking of C&C as a trilogy. The actual story drifted from the original when C&C 3 was done by the EALA team.Command & Conquer was conceived as a trilogy. We were going to start with Tiberian Dawn, then go to Tiberian Sun and then ultimately Tiberian Twilight.
- By the choice of C&C4's subtitle "Tiberian Twilight" nevertheless finds the way as an official title onto the game packages – a full 12 years after its first appearance in 1998.
- The Mammoth tank would have featured three rotating barrels, Patrick Pannullo wrote on 10/24/2008:
Adam Isgreen regarding the same topic on 06/12/2007:All I remember of those days is a conversation with Adam...
"What's cooler than a mammoth tank with two barrels?"
The barrels were going to merge when updated and rotate like a tank shell minigun (I think that's where Woolard's tank in UAW came from). Fun stuff :)
Gary Freeman had also produced a concept for the Mammoth and wrote to it:You can't see the third barrel because it's a gattling-barrel (i.e. the tank has three rotating barrels)
This new mammoth was for C&C3, not Continuum. The Juggernaut had been replaced with the MDP (Mobile Defense Platform), which was smaller and more agile and packing almost the same level of firepower.This concept was painted in Photoshop for Westwood Studios and Electronic Artsas a Weapon/vehicle design in the Command & Conquer Series of PC Games. The tank existed in previous games but was redesigned here with a more futuristic feel. The triple-barrel gun arrangement worked like a rapid fire mini-gun.
- Also on 06/12/2007 Adam Isgreen explained that the "GDI Mobile Defense" was the first version of the later MDP:
Nope. That was the first iteration of the MDP, which looks -nothing- like the one we ended up with.
I can't even begin to describe the new one. It had a very unique look with massive twin guns that came down over its "shoulders" when it went into deployed / firing position. - TT would have explained the origin of RA2; Adam Isgreen on 10/05/2007 to it:
Adam Isgreen wrote furthermore:RA2's continuity:
Yes, the solution to RA2's complete break of the RA -> C&C -> TS fiction was something that several of us came up with to "fix" the problem. RA being the prequel was what we (Westwood LV) intended for the series. It was originally called C&C0, FYI. RA2 was a great game, but we had issues with how to fit that into the timeline we wanted to maintain. We found a creative way to fix it. It's in the WWv2 C&C3 GDI campaign. Yuri, an acolyte of Kane's (Nod was experimenting with psionics in the WWv2 C&C3) is sucked into a chrono-vortex that is created by a Chronosphere that GDI inadvertently activates (along with some other RA-era tech) while attempting to retrieve the only other existing suit of powered "screaming eagle" commando armor (the first was melted on re-entry from orbit when the Philadelphia was destroyed) from the sealed tech vaults at Area 51.
Just like Einstein fracturing the timeline from "real" time with his little trip back into the past in RA, so did Yuri's presence throw off the already-altered timeline again, creating the RA2 reality. RA games would have continued in that splintered reality.
That is how it would have been explained. End of story on that.Story / versions / etc.
The C&C3 story changed with each new location / producer and time period it went through. There are at least 4 versions of C&C3 (WWv1, WWv2, EAv1, EAv2) that had different factions and story concepts. I worked on the WWv1/2 and EAv1 versions. EAv2 is pretty much TW. The WWv2 story was the one that the EAv1 was going to use as well (or a modified version thereof).
WWv1 started right after Firestorm shipped, and we voluntarily stopped it to work on Continuum. All existing design docs were given to WWP for ideas for RA2 / Yuris. Some of the units in Yuris are modified versions of that first C&C3 design.
WWv2 started towards the end of WWLV's existence, right before the consolidation. It continued on for a bit at EALA before sputtering because all of us working on it were put onto ZH.
EAv1 was the real official restart of C&C3, which we worked on in both EALA locations (BelAir and Playa). EAv1 was stopped to help LotR, Goldeneye and MoH. It was never really picked back up.
After that version, I'm going to assume that the next one was TW, since I was gone at that point. - Plenty of new material to TT was published by CnCSaga.com on 09/14/2007: Dossier : CnC3 Version 1 ?!?
Adam Isgreen commented on this:Ce dossier a été réalisé pour vous montrer quelques images de l'interface de la première version de Command & Conquer 3.
Cette image nous montre en plus le logo des Scrins à ce moment là.
Quelques vidéos :
> Interface (66.8mo),
> Upgrade unité (66.8mo),
> Sélection unité (4.4mo),
> Sélection unité (12.4mo),
> Sélection unité (5.3mo),
Also:Not fake.
Yes, that was WW C&C3 when we were fooling around with how to make the UI much sexier. That was our target goal for how it would look / work in the product.
Pretty cool, eh?
The game shot was at a lower detail. Those vids were all about nailing the UI look / feel.
ADDL: The unit that upgraded was the MDP, the Mobile Defense Platform. HUGE guns.
And:Yes, those logos were designed at WW.
Furthermore about the Scrin in TT:Without seeing the logos in color, you lose a lot of the detail.
The Scrin logo matched the Scrin perfectly. You have to remember they looked completely different in the first version.
The five videos can be downloaded here:They weren't buggish.
They were very angular, menacing, and closer to the key item they created and manipulated for survival (hint, hint) - Adam Isgreen on 08/01/2007 in regards to the working title "Incursion":
Let's see if I can clear some of this up:
Incursion was a working title for one iteration of C&C 3 -- what people thought was called Twilight.
We never (ok, except one time on accident) ever called C&C3 "Tiberium Twilight", everyone just assumed it would be named that because of Dawn / Sun for the first two, and it was initially meant as a trilogy of games about the Tiberium war, Kane, etc. I can't blame people for making the logic jump there though, it makes a lot of sense.
Continuum was the MMO working title. I still like that one a lot.
Renegade 2 was called Battlegrounds or something like that internally... can't remember specifically. - The concept art known as Vrix Builder by Gary Freeman illustrates the "Scrin MCV". It has nothing to do with the Vrix race from Earth & Beyond, even though it has the name on it. Adam Isgreen in detail on 05/23/2007:
I don't know how the word Vrix got in there -- that was the name of our nemesis race in Earth & Beyond and was never associated with C&C.
The art in question was the Scrin builder unit for C&C3. It burrowed into the ground and began morph itself to establish a new base. Scrin base building was more like LotR's fortresses -- fixed space with plots to choose what to put where. The Scrin had to build multiple bases to have all their tech available, and there were combos of certain items that could tweak the base in certain ways (sound anything like... oh, I don't know -- walker hardpoints maybe?).
I was very amused when Dustin and I compared notes on C&C 3 and LotR and discovered we'd both come to the same conclusion on a new type of base building concept. We've done that a few times, working completely in a vacuum from each other and having a similar idea. Really, we must share a brain or something, because the Protoss pylon teleport ability in SC2 and Novus' flow ability in UaW are identical in purpose, but completely different in delivery. - What the Tacitus was all about, Adam Isgreen presented on 05/23/2007 two possibilities being discussed by Westwood back then:
The mentioned Scrin Primal is indeed the same one from the famous artwork. Adam Isgreen adding to it on the same day:I've not really answered because the story went through multiple iterations and versions as we changed the playable factions and the key game systems. I'm trying to get it straight in my head again before further complicating things by saying something that wasn't the way we planned it.
We had also developed two completely different origins for the Tacitus, and since both stories leveraged that origin, I'm trying to remember what each included. One was centered around the Tacitus being a soul-prison for the leader of the martian force that fought against the Scrin (they knew how to beat the Scrin, but discovered it too late) while the Earth was still primordial, and the other was centered around the Scrin rebels stealing the "bible" of the Scrin -- which may or may not have been written by them in the first place -- and the Scrin Primal's crusade to recover it.
Both were interesting and had some cool reveals.
So no promises on a ton of detail. Much of it is pretty jumbled in my head at this point.Yeah, that was a concept for the Primal. It's not a ship, it's a creature.
Mullins does amazing work. - Regarding the question, why the Scrin in TT were coming the Earth, Adam Isgreen answered on 04/09/2007:
So in TW it is a liquid tiberium explosion that summons the scrin to Earth, "Ichor LQ Detonation". Was this planned from the start?
It was not. It was the scrin rebels that fled with the tacitus that brings the Scrin forces to Earth.
Now that being said, was the storyline changed from what you guys intended Kane's original goals to be?
It's different than we had planned it, but remember it didn't go through as much scrutiny because we never got to filming stages with it. I don't know how it would have ended up with us, but it was different in the planning stages.
- For TT were two add-ons scheduled, introducing each a new faction. Having GDI, Nod and Scrin in the main game, the Forgotton and CABAL would have been added afterwards. Adam Isgreen briefly about it on 03/08/2007:
FWIW, there were 5 eventual factions planned when we were talking about C&C3 it back at WW: GDI, Nod, Scrin (first release), Forgotten (expansion 1), CABAL (expansion 2).
- The release of the (incomplete) game collection "The First Decade" on 02/16/2006 also featured a poster with two motives from C&C3. But these have nothing to do with TT, belonging to TW instead, which has been slowly leaking out on 04/18/2006.
- In the context of C&C's tenth birthday Adam Isgreen said on 09/12/2005 that some units from TT ended in Yuri's Revenge and C+Cs:
C&C 3 went through many incarnations and changes over the years. Some of the intended C&C 3 units ended up in Yuri's (yes, that's how long ago we were planning stuff for it), and others survived into other games (Generals, ZH, etc.) while others never saw the light of day.
Can't say any more. Ask EA. - Music was also crafted for TT. The few known tracks ended on Frank Klepacki's CD "Virtual Control", inter alia "He Lives". Frank implied in his Jukebox's comment to the track:
On inquiry by email abt. 2005 he answered telltale:We'd all like to think "He" lives wouldnt we? Hold on to your seat, this tune rocks hard!
In the end he published his Facebook notes to said album on 08/06/2010 and also went into the development history of "He Lives":I hate to be like this, but... no comment. hehe :-)
Frank Klepacki hoped for chiping in this track to C&C3 after the end of Westwood. The "He" within the title relates indeed to Kane, although the originally title was intended to be "Nod Is Back".When digging through some of my audio sketches and ideas that I usually record quickly and leave for another day when I'm up to finishing them, I discovered a real gem. An idea I had worked on which I had temporarily named "Nod Is Back." Obviously a C&C reference. When I listened to it, the main guitar riffs were all there to a hard hitting beat and I knew I struck gold. Why had this not been a C&C song? Well, it might have been if I'd ever finished it. I wrote this idea at my home studio after Westwood closed, hoping that I could continue to contract for C&C3, because as some of you might know, Westwood did in fact start C&C3 before it was shut down. As did I. But alas, the project was put on hold, and I heard nothing more about it. So I took this track, added my favorite edgy synths to it, re-recorded the guitars to sound better / heavier, and basically did what I do to make this a serious traditional C&C ass-kicker. I then renamed the tune to "He Lives" as a reference to our favorite bald villain. I had already decided that this needs to be the first song on the album, no question.
- A briefing of the first GDI mission in Las Vegas after the meteor strike was conceptualized an animated video!
- The interface of TT was also conceptualized as a video!
- After the first picture, a few weeks later on 08/23/2004 three new images of TT were released at once. One of the was the known artwork, this time in full quality:
On inquiry regarding the second image Adam Isgreen explained on 04/30/2007:That was EVE, the female Cyborg Commando, running through a GDI soldier as one of the GDI commandos readies to fire at her.
It was a CABAL unit. - The plainly sensation happened on 06/21/2004: A very first official image was more or less leaked!
It depicts, next to the C&C3 logo, an unsuccessful GDI attack on a Scrin base. The picture as taken on 06/17/2004 during a Lord of the Rings event. Adam Isgreen said to this the following:
Louis Castle confirmed this photo, too:Yo,
Guys, Petroglyph doesn't have the rights to C&C. EA owns the C&C brand. The Petro guys are doing their own stuff.
What Mark said is true. What you saw was a concept / inspirational piece of art that we did over a year ago that displays on our internal EA monitors here at EALA. Concept art is our "What if?" avenue to explore things we may or may not want to do in the future with game content, a certain look, or atmosphere / tone.
FYI, it's an image of a Scrin Primal defending against a GDI attack on a Scrin base. Obviously, the primal is winning. =)
And yes, there are still a bunch of us ex-westwood guys here.
Nevertheless EA asked many websites to remove the image again. It was obviously not meant for the public at that time, but did not fail having its effect.Someone had a camera when they visited EALA.
The photo is not a fake.
No, I can´t comment beyond that.
Lou - Gamespot reported on 02/03/2004 in a news, that David Freeman was working as a scriptwriter for the Dungeon Siege movie by Uwe Boll. Credentials for this work on upcoming games mentioned also C&C3:
Freeman's game credits include script credit for upcoming titles Van Helsing, Mission Impossible: Operation Surma, and Command and Conquer 3. In the area of film and TV, Freeman has written and developed scripts and other properties which have been bought or optioned by Columbia Pictures, MGM, Paramount, Castle Rock, and Buena Vista Television.
- The demo reel 2003 by Daniel Miller showcases various C&C animations, render and concept arts. It features the following from TT:
- GDI Kaserne Models und Render
- GDI Kraftwerk Models und Render
- CG Animation des GDI Radars
- The PC Games conducted an interview for its issue 11/2003 with Skaggs and Bonin and also asked for TT:
PC Games : Immer wieder geistern neue Gerüchte über Command & Conquer: Tiberian Twilight durchs Internet. Befindet sich der Titel tatsächlich in der Entwicklung oder arbeitet ihr an einem völlig neuen Kapitel der C&C-Serie?
Skaggs: "Wir sind uns näturlich bewusst, dass das C&C-Universum aus insgesamt drei Szenarien besteht. Da wäre der Tiberiumkonflikt, das Alarmstufe Rot-Szenario und jetzt Generäle. Ich denke, inzwischen ist es höchste Zeit für ein neues Kapitel der Geschichte ums Tiberium, du nicht auch?" - During an interview with Louis Castle on 09/03/2003 he responded quite vaguely regarding TT:
What can you tell us, generally speaking, about future plans of EALA? What about the future of the Tiberian storyline of C&C (Brett Sperry...)? More genre crossing C&C in the future, a possibility?
The exact plans of EALA are always being reviewed and modified to fit the direction of the market but the general goal is to be the best in the world ad FPS and RTS products and to do that one title at a time. We are truly focused on product quality and good market timing. The Tiberian storyline is in the capable hands of the EALA RTS team. Brett is his own person and still has many contributions to make to the industry as he chooses. - Harvard Bonin foreshadowed on 05/22/2003 in the official Generals forum two C&C projects:
The "June announcement" emerged as Generals add-on, but the "July announcement" was missing without trace. On inquiry during a chat on 09/03/2003 with Harvard Bonin he answered:Upcoming Product Information
As most of you already know there are new things in the works in regards to RTS titles. Two upcoming projects which I´m not allowed to discuss will be announced in the near future. I believe that early June will be when the first product will be revealed and then in July the next one will be announced. I´ll let you guys know as soon as I´m able.
So that´s it for now. Thank you for hanging in there and if I get any new information I´ll post it ASAP.
Thanks :)
And later on further inquiry:<Cabal> <AJ> the June announcement was Zero Hour, but we still have heard nothing about the July announcement...do you know what it is the Harvard?
<Harvard[EA]>; I don't know...ZH was the big announcement
<Malc> IE second anouncement
<Harvard[EA]>; June and July were the same
<Cabal> hehehehe
<Malc> someone said there would be 2
<Harvard[EA]>; You guys have memories like Elephants
<Cabal> that was Lou i think
<Harvard[EA]>; Go out! Get some sunshine! :)
<Cabal> lol
<Malc> lol
<dam0kles[CT]> lol
<Harvard[EA]>; next<Cabal> <Jeremy> Other than Zero Hour, are there any other future C&C games in the works?
<Cabal> (another predictable question... hehehe)
<Harvard[EA]>; ok, I'm quitting EA today so I'm going to spill the beans...
<Harvard[EA]>; Here comes the big news...
<Harvard[EA]>; They are going to be so mad...
<Harvard[EA]>; I don't know
<Harvard[EA]>; :)
<MMurphy> :-)
<Cabal> hehehe i like it
<Harvard[EA]>; next
<DeeZire> lol - Even though Westwood was closed, work on TT continued. Peter Larsen on 02/18/2003:
3. Harvard Bonin und Mark Skaggs sind sehr lange bei Westwood dabei, sie haben fast der gleiche Team wie für AR2 und Yuri, sie haben aber zeit YR eine andere Adresse. Bleibt trotzdem das alte Team. Ein zweites Team, basiert rund um Louis Castle, arbeitet auch an C&C weiter. Pass auf, Tiberium-Gefahr. Sie haben auch eine neue Adresse. Bleibt aber das alte Team.
- During a C+C: Generals chat on 10/03/2002 TT and RA3 was touched briefly by Harvard Bonin:
<[Admin]Cobby> [19:31] *THP_Death* How long have you been making C&C: Generals?
<H_Bomb> originally it started in Feb 2000
<H_Bomb> We spent a long time building tech and concepting
<H_Bomb> We didn't know what it was in the beginning
<H_Bomb> We were considering RA3, the Tib series - even a Roman game
<H_Bomb> In the end we figured modern warfare is what we're pretty decent at so we went that way
<H_Bomb> On the news there are all these toys that we want to play with - like the Raptors, etc
<H_Bomb> So we want with modern war - just a bit in the future
<H_Bomb> next - During this chat for the first time the title "Twilight" was confirmed officially:
The mentioned poll was published on 03/10/2002 and was:[20:47] wie siehts mit TT oder RA3 aus?! richtet ihr euch da voll nach der umfrage auf www.westwood.com ??
[20:48] <[WS]TeeLo> was ich viel interessanter finde ist, dass wir zum ersten mal Tiberian Twilight offiziell erwaehnen. :)
[20:48] war uns doch schon lange klar *gg*
Choices wereWhich game would you like Westwood Studios to work on next?
Red Alert 3
andTiberian Twilight
. - For TT the SAGE engine was used similar to C+C: Generals and was therefore a 3D game.
- Following context one should be aware about:
C&C1 - Tiberian Dawn = rise = in the morning = begin
C&C2 - Tiberian Sun = zenith = at noon = middle
C&C3 - Tiberian Twilight = fall = in the evening = end
Therefore TT is presumably all about the downfall of the Tiberium! - During the "Generals Boot Camp - Hands On Preview" Adam "Slavik" Faubert wrote in his report on 08/23/2002 the following:
One of the points raised in the final Q&A session was a Command and Conquer movie. Will there ever be a Command and Conquer movie? Sorry to disappoint, but a Command and Conquer movie seems to be not in the top priority list right now. They want to preserve the Command and Conquer brand name for what it is worth now. I believe someone in the back of the room said it best in this quote: "Three words, Super Mario Brothers." As for the future of the series, well, it has been confirmed that Westwood is the headquarters for the Red Alert and Tiberian series and that both (yes both) of those series are not done with completely. EA Pacific is now the Generals headquarters for a new storyline universe in a great series. After this, we took the convoy for one last ride into the sunset to the hotel where we went our separate ways.
- Geoff Keighley of Gamespot wrote in his "The First Hours of Command & Conquer: Generals" report from 03/16/2002:
For fans worried that the introduction of Generals means the end of the GDI-vs.-Nod storyline, Castle shares some good news. "Nod and GDI haven't finished their battle quite yet," he says with a sly grin. Skaggs also divulged that the Sage 3D game engine created for Generals has been given to Westwood for an upcoming unannounced product. It appears that the regular C&C lineage will live on and coexist with the new Generals franchise.
- During an interview on 09/20/2001 Adam Isgreen confirmed "Twilight" as the next C&C from Westwood Studios:
MHR: How is the next Tiberian series(Twilight?) coming along?
Adam: A lot of our team got sucked on to E&B to help out in these final months, so we're moving forward at a slower pace right now on Twilight. Not to worry, though. We're starting to ramp back up and will be back on track within a few months. Everyone here is having a great time on E&B, but they're all anxious to get C&C back on-track as well. Suffice it to say that everyone who knows what is in the next C&C game is very excitied about it... and just wait until you see what the WWP guys have planned after Yuri. There's a lot of good stuff coming! =) - Westwood had denied generally everything before in terms of TT. For example the following scene during a fan chat:
One is talking about a pipe dream. But not all employees of Westwood were cagey about it, like this section from an interview with Adam Isgreen (01/19/2001) demonstrates:[21:15] (@Elmar[cncx]): <freak> die alte frage hast du aber übergangen *nerv: Ist näheres zun Tiberian Twilight bekannt, bzw. ist überhaupt der Name schon bestätigt???
[21:15] (@[WS]TeeLo): *augenroll*
[21:15] (@Roodah): Tiberian Twilight war und ist kein Arbeitstitel :)
[21:15] (@Roodah): Tiberian Twilight gibt es (noch ?) nicht :)
[21:15] (@[WS]TeeLo): ich weiss gar nicht wovon ihr redet. :)
[21:15] (@Roodah): Tiberian Twilight ist ein Hirngespinst :)
[21:16] (@Elmar[cncx]): und wurde von Thilo auch noch nieeee bestätigt
The name "Twilight" was also dismissed here, but nothing more either.MHR: Have u people started on the Twilight project?
Adam: Twilight? If you mean the next C&C game, yes we've started working on it! We're doing prototyping and core system design for it right now, plus fleshing out the content and story.
MHR: Can u give us any info on twilight?
Adam: The only info I can give you about the next C&C game is that we're working on it, it's going to be 3D, and very, very cool and different. I can't wait to start seeing the stuff we've come up with working in the engine! I think everyone will be really surprised and excited when they see some of the stuff that's going in it. - This is indeed not a screenshot, but one imagined TT to be like this in times of TS back then:
- The probability of having Kane back in C&C3 was always quite high:
Joe Kucan has confirmed by this, he is going to be there in every case. However he could also have done it with tongue-in-cheek...In verhergehenden Interviews wurde aufgedeckt das Westwood zur Zeit an zwei neuen Command & Conquer Strategiespielen arbeitet. Wird es zur wiedermal zur Auferstehung des bösen Kanes kommen ?
- Es gibt eine riesige Menge an Fan-Post die NEIN vorschlagen. Sie wollen das Kane NIE WIEDER in irgendwelchen CnC Spielen auftaucht. Hunderttausende Briefe! "Bitte! betteln sie "Nicht noch mehr Joe Kucan! Wir haben genug von Joe Kucan. Wenn ich gezwungen werde noch mehr vom verdammten Joe Kucan zu sehen werde ich mir die Augen ausdrücken ! Ich schwöre bei Gott". Aber ich werde all diesen Fans den Stinkefinger zeigen ! Sie können mich mal, alle miteinander ! Ich werde zurück kommen und niemand wird mich aufhalten !!! - This statement from 06/02/2002 is more clearly:
posted June 02, 2002 01:35
[...]Joe Kucan is no longer with the company but would likely return to play Kane should the need arise.
~d. - TT could have also be a 2D game. Christopher Rubyor in February 2001 with a thought-provoking impulse to design it similarly to Commandos 2:
Here is a thought, what if the next C&C game remained 2d, but looked as good if not better than Commandos 2. Just a thought.
Delphi - Brett Sperry during an interview with PC Gamer, October 1999, about C&C3 and other sequels:
And:What's the series' lifespan? Will there come a time when the C&C story comes to an end and Westwood will move on to something else?
Originally it felt like the current story was naturally going to end around the third game in the series. But now that I see how much we've put into Tiberian Sun, it can easily go another three titles. Easy. The world is so rich, there's so much going on. There's no shortage of games to write, so long as we can keep coming up with cool, innovative battle tactics in addition to the great story. The fact that we're not trying to crank these games out every twelve months helps a lot.So when can we expect to see Command & Conquer 3?
Let's just say it's going to take a while. A long while. - Also in October on 10/23/1999 Rade Stojsavljevic said the following:
Shadow: Will you be working on Tiberian Twilight?
Rade: I'll be working on that too.
Shadow: Cool. Is their a date (not exactly but estimate) of when TTmay be out. I know Brett Sperry said it'd take a very long time, butcould you estimate on when you think it may be out?
Rade: Next millenium. Seriously, I wouldn't even want to make a guess at this point since I know it will be wrong. - On 07/28/1999 Brett Sperry already mused during the final hours of developing TS about TT and its sequel:
"To be honest with you," he begins, "I can't wait to get on to the next game! I've had these ideas brewing in my head for years, and it's a very exciting time now to move on to the next game." That next game, which Sperry hinted at over a year ago, was code-named Tiberian Twilight and said to be the final title in the C&C trilogy - or at least what was supposed to be a trilogy.
"Now when you ask me how many more games we need to tell the story in reasonable-size chunks, I'd say two more," he admits.
"The next game, Tiberian Twilight - which, incidentally, is just a working title - will lead into another C&C title further down the road to close off the story."
When asked about the next C&C, Sperry says that you can expect "incredible new battle dynamics and some very tricky predicaments. I don't want to create a strategic game that is just going to beat you," he states, "but I do want to make you think on your feet." The next C&C will include a whole new technology base, and a new visual base, and will "push the series forward very aggressively." But, the more important question is, are we going to have to wait another four years? "I promise it won't be another four years!" says Sperry with a rather large smile. - The domains http://www.tiberiantwilight.com/ and .net/ have already been registered by Westwood in 1998 on 05/12 and 05/11 respectively.