The year is 2007 and the Dude has just left the town that was destroyed in the last game after accidentally finding and setting off a "weapon of mass destruction" misplaced by the U.S. government. He flees the atomic Armageddon and finds himself at a political rally for a presidential candidate in a nearby suburb.
- Postal 3 released after long waiting time totally bugged on December 23, 2011. Due to financial problems RWS was forced to hand the development over to Akella and Trashmasters respectively, what affected the game adversely. It was only playable after a few patches and the free roam mode from Postal 2 was also hand in later.
- After the release, the bankrupt of Trashmasters and no hope to attain the SDK, RWS distances itself from Postal 3 and handles it only as "Russian Postal" since then.
- After more than five years of development RWS commented the situation on 03/26/2010 in their Prime Cuts newsletter as follows:
POSTAL 3-D (Laid)? I'm sorry, does it seem like we've been hyping POSTAL III an awfully long time? Are you feeling a little cockblocked, a trifle frustrated? Do you want your P3 and you want it NOW?
You know what? We understand. And you will get your dose of next-gen POSTAL just as soon as the vaccine is ready, okay? No song and dance; companies a lot bigger than Running With Scissors have learned that launching a major game -- especially when it's your primary property -- in the current environment can be tough sledding. But we're still standing and to prove that the P Dude and company are moving forward through the developmental pipeline, we have an interview with Lars Tobias as well as a link to a chat-up on Games, Gold and Glory and a P3 preview on Hooked Gamers. - The logo:
- Postal 3 utilizes the Source engine.
- First details from 2005:
Running With Scissors haben in einem Gespräch mit der Washington Post erste Details verraten. Das Ganze spielt im Jahr 2007. Unglücklicherweise musste der Dude eine Atombombe der US-Regierung finden und natürlich auch gleich zünden. Seine Heimatstadt war natürlich komplett im Eimer. Folglich haut der Dude ab, um ein neues Leben zu beginnen.
Ehe er sich versieht, befindet er sich im Wahlkampf um den Posten des Präsidentschafts-Kandidaten. Um sich dabei über Wasser zu halten, nehmt ihr alle möglichen Jobs an. Dabei begegnet man seinem politischen Gegner, den Taliban, umweltverrückten Ökos und vielen weiteren Spezies. Übrigens wird man in „Postal 3“ mit mehr Schotter belohnt, wenn keine Gewalt angewendet wird. Nichtsdestotrotz wird wieder ein dickes Waffenarsenal bereitstehen.
Wann der Titel erscheint, ist noch unbekannt. Eine offizielle Ankündigung steht ebenfalls aus.
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